
Children’s Ministry at Grace seeks to nurture kids and their families in their faith journey by integrating them into the overall life of the church. Children are welcomed into worship and throughout the year we gather to learn together and for family fun.  

  • Kids Connect 

    Sunday during Worship - Ages 4-Grade 3 

    Following the Children’s Message in worship, children are invited to gather outside the Sanctuary for an age-level Bible story and learning activity. Kids then return to the Sanctuary during the Hymn of the Day so they may participate in the remainder of the service - the prayers, communion, and sending.    

    Children under the age of 4 are welcome to join Kids Connect but must be accompanied by a parent/grandparent. 

    (Kids Connect meets Sept through May) 

  • Faith Milestones 

    Throughout the year, we will invite parents and children to gather together to learn about a specific faith topic or practice. This meaningful time gives parents and children a space to talk about their faith and to learn about it together.  

  • Holy Communion and Children 

    In Baptism, we are promised unity in the body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and are joined in God’s mission for the life of the world. Welcoming children to Holy Communion is part of that promise!  

    Even young child can understand what it means to be part of a family and share a meal together. We teach children that Holy Communion is from God and it is something that we receive together. The body and blood of Christ “for you” includes them. We trust that as children grow in years, their understanding of the mysterious gift of the sacrament of Holy Communion will grow with them, through their elementary years, through Confirmation, and into adulthood. This gift of forgiveness, new life, and salvation is one that we want to give out as liberally as we can, and that all are welcome at the table.